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Why Hunt in Namibia

Guest post by Marina Lamprecht


The country of Namibia is a celebration of all that is wonderful about the magnificent continent of Africa! Let me share the top ten reasons to consider my country as the ideal destination for your next African adventure.

1. Political Stability
As a people we are proud of our young national identity, and take our fledgling democracy seriously. Since gaining independence on the 21st March 1990, democracy has taken root at municipal, regional and national level and this bodes well for the development of our country’s peace, prosperity and tranquility. A popular and successful national movement to instill a culture of nationalism and reconciliation shortly after independence has led to Namibia being ranked among a few countries that have consistently enjoyed political stability. Democracy has expanded to levels where the country now has 15 political parties, which all vied for votes during the last elections in 2009.

2. Well-Developed Infrastructure Namibia has efficient infrastructures to supply our citizens, tourists and investors with electricity and water, as well as most other commodities of the develop world. We have a well-established network of over 40 000 km of road, of which almost 6000 km is paved. This well-maintained infrastructure links Namibia with Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. The Trans-Caprivi and Trans-Kalahari highways provide an effective, fast and comfortable road link between the port of Walvis Bay and the neighbouring SADC countries.
The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) is a State-Owned Enterprise, which provides, facilitates, owns and manages eight airports. Hosea Kutako International Airport handles well over 520 000 passengers annually while Eros Airport located in Windhoek is the busiest airport in terms of aircraft movement. The other NAC airports include Walvis Bay, Luderitz, Keetmanshoop, Ondangwa, Rundu and Katima Mulilo. Together with Air Namibia, foreign airlines like South African Airways, British Airways/Comair, among others, direct international flights from Frankfurt, with regional flights to Luanda (Angola), Maun (Botswana), Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe), Cape Town and Johannesburg (South Africa). Domestic flights to local destinations are also popular, while local air charters offer several other possibilities.
Medical services in Namibia are of a very high standard. International standard private physicians and clinics are available in all the main towns, and an efficient medi-vac services are available.
Namibia has two state–owned harbours; Walvis Bay and Luderitz. Walvis Bay is the only deep sea harbour and offers a safe, economical and well established option for import and export to the SADC region from Europe and elsewhere in the world.

3. Friendly, peace loving people: About 2,2 million people share the vast spaces of Namibia – one of the lowest population densities in the world with 1.5 people per square kilometre. Our population can be divided into (at least) 11 ethnic groups. Although our official language is English, Namibians speak nine different tongues, including some of the Khoisan languages which include the ‘clicks’ that present an enigma to most native English-speakers. We are united by national pride – the coming together of at least 11 major ethnic groups, each celebrating their past while working together toward the future. Visitors notice this in a wonderful collage dress, language, art, music, sport, food and religion, but first and foremost, Namibians are proud to be part of our proud young nation, united under our colourful national flag.

4. High standard of hunting ethics For the international hunting clientele, one of the main attractions of hunting in Namibia is the high standard of ethics maintained by the Namibia Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA). All hunting resorts are under the strict supervision of the Directorate of Resource Management of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), which has developed sound wildlife management plans and intelligent as well as effective hunting policies.

5. Diversity of Wildlife Species Namibia offers exceptional plain’s game hunting, as well as the BIG FIVE. Approximately 75% of the mammal species, which exist in Southern Africa, live in Namibia. Huntable species endemic to Namibia include the Black Faced Impala, Hartmann’s (Mountain) Zebra and Damara Dik-Dik.

6. The ease with which hunting rifles may be imported into Namibia
Hunters entering Namibia with a rifle(s), must complete a temporary import permit application form on arrival for all rifle(s) and/or ammunition in their possession. There is no limit to the number of firearms that may be imported into Namibia for trophy-hunting purposes -NAPHA, however, recommends a maximum of two firearms per hunting client. A maximum of one-hundred (100) rounds of ammunition may be imported per hunting rifle. Only ammunition for the specific caliber may be imported.

7. Long Annual Hunting Season The trophy hunting season for huntable game is from the 1st February to the 30th November of each year. Although temperature and conditions do vary, the hunting is equally good throughout the season.

8. Wonderful Climate, Clean and healthy environment
Namibia offers almost 365 days of sunshine, endless blue skies and so much more…
There are no mandatory vaccinations for travelers from Europe.
Since Namibia does not have much stagnant water the risk of contracting malaria is minimal in most parts of the country, or limited to a specific time of the year. It is always advisable to ask your medical professional for advise before travelling internationally.

9. Great Tourist Options
This vast and pristine land is a haven for wildlife, nature, and cultures that are the embodiment of Africa, and yet unique in many ways. From the red, gently undulating dunes of the Kalahari in the southeast to the desert-adapted elephants and black rhino of the northwest, from the dramatic, world’s largest shifting sand dunes of the Namib and the desolate and lonely coastline, to the celebration of life that is Etosha, and from the ancient San to the colourful Herero and their nomadic cousins, the Himba, Namibia is surely one of the most fascinating countries on earth.
Namibia boasts remarkable natural attractions such as the Namib Desert, Skeleton Coast, Fish River Canyon, Kalahari Desert, Etosha National Park and Caprivi Strip. Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek, as well as the coastal town of Swakopmund are highly recommended destinations during your Namibian adventure.
Specialist tourist options in Namibia include game viewing, hot air ballooning, skydiving, white water rafting, abseiling, fishing, birding, beach and freshwater angling, golfing, and, of course, hunting, to name but a few. Please visit the Namibian Tourism Board ‘Land of Contrasts’ for more detailed info. at
Most Namibian Hunting Professionals will gladly put together a personalized tour of our beautiful country for you to enjoy before or after your hunt, or recommend a local tour operator to do so.

10. NAPHA – the Namibian Professional Hunting Association. This is one of the most active and respected associations of its kind in Africa.
It is highly advisable that you make sure that the outfitter and Professional Hunter who you book your Namibia safari with is a member in good standing of the association. Members of NAPHA are expected to adhere to a strict Code of Conduct. Should you have any reason to be dissatisfied while hunting in Namibia with a NAPHA member, please inform the NAPHA office, in writing, with the full details of your complaint at For any further information as well current updates on hunting in Namibia, please also refer to the association’s very informative and regularly revised website:

• There are many more reasons for visiting Namibia – a country like no other – we look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful shores – soon!

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